Last update:Tue, 07 Jan 2025

Jaffna Fort restoration continues apace - Sixty percent of restoration work completed

JaffnaFort02The Jaffna Fort restoration work is continuing speedily, and once completed, will add to the country's unique cultural treasures and heritage sites. The restoration work is funded by the Dutch government. National Heritage and Archaeological Director General Senerath Dissanayake said around 60 percent of the restoration work has been completed. "Individuals visiting the Fort can see the full structure of the Fort very clearly. However the Dutch Church destroyed following terrorist activities is in a dilapidated state. A decision has to be taken to restore all historical sites damaged by the war," he said.

Jaffna leans on Agriculture and fishing

Jaffna AgricultureAgriculture and fisheries sectors have brought in the highest income for almost 90% of the families in the North for years. Livelihood of almost all the families in Jaffna revolves around this sector. While most of the families indulge in cultivation, several hundreds also indulge in deep sea and inland fishing.

Local balladeer who took Lankan music to the world - Calypso singer of yesteryear promotes Sri Lanka the way he knows best.

AnuraMusic fans will remember him as part of the La Ceylonians singing those lilting calypso tunes with his trademark straw hat and guitar. Many years have passed since those memorable tunes and times but Anura Pathmasiri Jayasingha's musical journey continued, taking him across the world carrying his brand of music to people.

Profoundness for burned out people

Ayurveda HirschmuellerAyurveda A growing number of young people are travelling to distant lands to recharge their empty batteries. Like Helen H., who went to Sri Lanka. By Freddy Schissler, Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, 11.09.2012

CSD recruits 2,000 former LTTEers

Two thousand former rehabilitated LTTE cadres were recruited to the Civil Security Department (CSD) from the Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi districts. The new recruits recently gathered at the CSD Kilinochchi and Mullaithivu joint command headquarters in response to the CSD's call for ex-combatants to join its ranks. "These former LTTE combatants, now fully rehabilitated and reintegrated into society have shown a keen interest in joining the CSD,"CSD Director General Rear Admiral Ananda Peiris told the Daily News.