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Media Release - Ambassador Kongahage meets Bavarian State Minister for Federal and European Affairs, Mrs. Emilia Müller

MunichMuellerOn the invitation of Mr. Hans Hammer, Honorary Consul of Sri Lanka to the Free State of Bavaria, Sri Lankan Ambassador H.E. Sarath Kongahage to Germany visited Munich. The focus of the visit was the promotion of investment and tourism in Sri Lanka.

A meeting was convened between the Ambassador and the Bavarian State Minister for Federal and European Affairs, Mrs. Emilia Müller. H.E the Ambassador explained the post-conflict development process in Sri Lanka and the assistance of Germany in this regard. The State Minister assured the cooperation of Bavarian State in the endeavour of the government of Sri Lanka for the development of the war-affected provinces.

MediaMunich2webH.E. the Ambassador had a meeting with Mr. Johannes Huber, Manager of the Asian Department of the Chamber of Trade and Commerce in Munich, and other entrepreneurs and businessmen from the Munich area. The Ambassador detailed the positive development of the political and economic situation in Sri Lanka after the end of the conflict, which provides great opportunities for German investors to set up business there.

H.E the Ambassador also had a meeting with Mr. Oliver Herbst of the real estate company Immovision and tourism expert Mr. Robert Salzl of the Schörghuber Foundation. During the meeting, the Ambassador said that after the dawn of the peace, the tourism industry is flourishing in Sri Lanka and the Germany is the third important tourist market for Sri Lanka. This would open up opportunities for German entrepreneurs in the tourism industry, he added.

Sri Lanka Embassy, Berlin, 19.08.2013