Last update:Tue, 07 Jan 2025

Online Submissions for Design of Reconciliation Mechanism Now Live

Consultations Task Force on Reconciliaton MechanismsThe Consultations Task Force on Reconciliation Mechanisms, appointed by the Prime Minister, has opened online submissions in order to seek the views of stakeholders, experts and the general public on the design of the reconciliation mechanisms.

The reconciliation mechanisms planned by the Government include an Office of Missing Persons; a Truth, Reconciliation, Justice and Non-Recurrence Commission, an accountability mechanism and an Office of Reparations.

The online submission questionnaire is now live on the tri-lingual website of the Secretariat for Coordinating Reconciliation Mechanisms, "www.scrm.gov.lk".

In addition to the online submissions process, face-to-face consultations will take place in all districts of the Island via town-hall meetings, focus group discussions and structured interviews.

For more details, see official press release in English, Sinhala and Tamil: >>>>